"A Mouse in the House" (fragment), is a 1947 one-reel animated cartoon and is the 32nd Tom and Jerry short directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and produced by Fred Quimby. It was animated by Kenneth Muse, Ed Barge, Don Patterson, Richard Bickenbach, and Michael Lah, and was released to theatres on August 30, 1947. The title of this cartoon is an appropriate play on "a guest in the house".
Interesting facts:
On Cartoon Network, the scene showing Tom and Butch in blackface after the oven explosion is censored.
Lillian Randolph as Mammy Two Shoes (original, uncredited).
Thea Vidale as Mammy Two Shoes (dubbed version, uncredited).
Last "Tom and Jerry" cartoon animated by Michael Lah until "Smarty Cat".
All rights reserved Warner Bros. Entertainment.
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